Wednesday, January 30, 2008

"It looks like the end of history as we know, it's just the end of the world!...

"Back to the street where we began, feeling as good as love, you can. Into a place where thoughts can bloom, into a room where it's nine in the afternoon and we know that it could be and we know that it should!" - Nine in the Afternoon.

While waiting for AFI to come out with their new record, I can kill some time by jamming with my other favorite band, Panic At the Disco (I guess the exclamation point that was originally there died or something, I have no problem with it but other people wanted to have a funeral for it. That's a little pathetic if you ask me.).

Friday, January 25, 2008

The Monte Carlo was on fire.

Luckilly no one was killed, or even injured for that matter. This happened about two hours ago, it even made CNN.

Anyways there is nothing to eat in this house, with the exception of various frozen food products that require the heating up of an oven, or turkey bacon. Turkey bacon doesn't sound good right now not only because it's nearly 2:00 in the afternoon, but turkey bacon is actually worser than regular pork bacon. Did you know that? Pork bacon is actually better for you than turkey bacon because turkey bacon is loaded with sodium. This is bad for all of those partial vegetarians out there (such as myself).

My sketchbook and Canon camera are calling me.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I'm one of the luckiest girls in the world, Jade Puget answered a question that I asked him.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Jimbo the Hobo supports Maroon 2

I'm shaking right now, I don't know why I'm shaking, I just am.

I have to develop film tomorrow, and look out for the people in the green or red capes with the black or purple masks, they could be riding bunnies or lizards. (And here is where the inside joke ends, I'm not crazy I swear.)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

I'm in a dilemma here.

I don't know which print to get, I kind of want to get both but I think that would cost too much money...... It's down between these two prints:

or this one
Can anyone help me out?
Anyway, what's been going on the past two days.... nothing, with exception of Guitar Hero III, but I did ask AFI a question pertaining to the Scissor Sisters. That's about it. I'm going to go to BIS now. Then take some pictures........... yeah.........

Friday, January 18, 2008

Exams are over.

Thank goodness. I actually have no homework this weekend, which is amazing. Though I don't know what to do with myself, I think I'll play Guitar Hero III.

I seriously need to think about getting a job, I'm starting to have a need to obtain objects, such as a nice coat, CDs, and a certain print that has some certain people on it from a certain secret show that took place on October 2nd........

Loveline archives are fun.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I'm sitting at my parents' computer just doing random stuff, like looking for certain CD singles, checking email.... oh, and listening to the Beatles as well.

Speaking of the Beatles I actually saw the Cirque Du So lei show, LOVE, on Monday. It was fantastic, one of the best shows I've ever been to. We even got to go backstage after the show. They have some of the coolest props, like a baby grand piano that produces bubbles, a remote controlled tricycle, a rustic looking bed that has a sheet on it so big that it covers the entire audience in the theater, etc. I would love to see it again.

I shouldn't be doing this right now. My study guides for P.E. (what would you need to learn in P.E.? Seriously.) and Biology are sitting in front of me, which are the two exams that I have to take tomorrow. I need to study for Biology. Quick! Amino acids are monomers of.........?

The answer is proteins, now I'm listening to the Scissor Sisters. <3

Friday, January 11, 2008

Oh dear,

Exams are in a week and I'm starting to freak out. Health, P.E., and Photography exams should be relatively easy, but I'm concerned about Algebra, Biology, and English. My english teacher has told me that our midterm is going to consist of nothing but essays, fantastic. What else, oh yes, tiny dust particles and water spots that appear on photo negatives can go to Hell and rot for all eternity because I hate them. I still need to make another print for photography and I still need to do Photoshop Lesson 4, I'm so behind in that class. Oh god, I think I hear my parents commenting on my photo comments on my Myspace.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

In case some didn't already know,

I met Smith Puget four days ago, one day after my 15th day of birth, it was amazing. I still have Biology homework to do however. I don't even know why I'm being taught Biology, I don't want to know the stages of mitosis and why plant cells have a cell wall and animal cells don't. I don't plan on having a career in that particular field thank you very much. I'm more of a photography person. Can you tell?