Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I'm sitting at my parents' computer just doing random stuff, like looking for certain CD singles, checking email.... oh, and listening to the Beatles as well.

Speaking of the Beatles I actually saw the Cirque Du So lei show, LOVE, on Monday. It was fantastic, one of the best shows I've ever been to. We even got to go backstage after the show. They have some of the coolest props, like a baby grand piano that produces bubbles, a remote controlled tricycle, a rustic looking bed that has a sheet on it so big that it covers the entire audience in the theater, etc. I would love to see it again.

I shouldn't be doing this right now. My study guides for P.E. (what would you need to learn in P.E.? Seriously.) and Biology are sitting in front of me, which are the two exams that I have to take tomorrow. I need to study for Biology. Quick! Amino acids are monomers of.........?

The answer is proteins, now I'm listening to the Scissor Sisters. <3


Anonymous said...

Man, I've been totally wanting to see that show ever since I heard about it. *jell-os*

Shy Girls Win said...

I don't know... glad I'm not older than you....