Friday, May 9, 2008

Insightful thinking and fantastic opportunities

Jeez is it already May? I forgot that I hadn't posted on here for the past... week or two? A lot has happened. I've been invited to my Photography banquet, YES! I went to the school play, All I need to know I learned in Kindergarden, which was great. I was tearing up during some parts it was so sweet. I really wanted to go to the She Wants Revenge concert tonight at the HOB but my mother said I couldn't, I need to save up for Panic merch in June. Speaking of Panic At the Disco....... I get to meet them. I won a meet and greet with them. When I found out I rand around the house screaming. It was epic.

Ughhhhhh, there are so many stories I want to tell, but then I don't want to because I'm too tired. Contradiction much? I think so.