Thursday, October 16, 2008

Say whatever you want cause I can laugh it off.

Thank you Jimmy Eat World for those lovely lyrics.

Nothing much going on these days, the end of the quarter is in about two weeks. My teachers have decided to give me quizzes and/or tests all in the same two days, which is slightly stressful. Lots of Photo stuff due in the next few weeks too. Ms. P said it'll probably be like that most of the year, just something to get used to I guess.

Had one of those "Every 15 minutes" assemblies today. Even though I didn't personally know anyone who "died" it was still pretty rough. 22 people "died", it was horrible. I want to participate in it Senior year, it all depends I suppose.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Pro pro pro


I should be answering questions for World Lit., but I'm not! Got a little side-tracked, now I'm doing this. Listening to the radio right now, they have Panic! tickets that they are giving away, I want them very very badly. Could I win? Maybe, maybe not, ya never know.

Came up with this really cool idea for my album cover project, it comprises of yellow, a model horse, , a top hat, and some toys. Hopefully it'll turn out pretty awesome.

The dogs are beginning to piss me off, non-stop barking. Stupid, stupid dogs.