Sunday, November 23, 2008


Stupid Spicy Pickle closing early on Sundays for no good reason. Dangit, and I really wanted a panini too. :( Disneyland with the fam-bam in about three weeks. Can't wait!!!!

In unrelated news......


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Aw Hell.

A girl from my school died in a car wreck last Friday night. She was a sophomore just like me, I guess she got partially ejected from the truck and died on the scene. The wreck was caused by a deadly combination of street racing and a drunk driver. It was very unfortunate. Olivia was really popular, and somehow I didn't know her. I really wish I had. I went to her memorial/viewing yesterday and it was awful, a lot of people were crying and couldn't control themselves, and I don't blame them. It was an open casket, that was probably the biggest impact. But she looked so natural, and really beautiful too, like a porcelain doll. And I've never seen so many people just lining up at a service, this had a HUGE impact on our school, especially since we just had the "Every 15 Minutes" Program (see it here: I guess the program wasn't enough. And you know what really gets me mad about this whole situation? There are people saying that they are happy that she is dead or that she deserved to die because she wasn't wearing her seat belt. GUESS WHAT KIDS, NO ONE DESERVES TO DIE! That's the end of your life, you can't comfort people on their loss because YOU ARE THE LOSS. ONCE YOU ARE DEAD YOU ARE DEAD, YOU CAN'T JUST MAGICALLY COME BACK TO LIFE. Oh dear now I can't get the bold to go off, darn. Ok there we go... Anyways, let's just get over all the stupid stupid stupid drama, because drama gets you nowhere in your life, it just creates trouble. It's always best to avoid that sort of thang anyways, it means you can function with people without causing problems, which is rare these days.

So anyways, lets just remember Olivia for who she was, a great girl who died much too young. As they say, only the good die young, which is both true and unfortunate.

R.I.P. Olivia "Lynn" Hyten
September 23, 1993- November 14, 2008
You will be missed dearly by all.

Monday, November 3, 2008

You say you're on a revolution, well you know, we all want to change the world... especially Barack Obama

Tomorrow is Election Day, possibly the most important election in our nation's history. I'm just glad that I'm a part of it, even though I can't vote. I went to the Obama election on Saturday, it was really inspirational and just fantastic, I'm praying to God that he will win this election. Just thinking about waking up on Wednesday morning, turning on the news, and finding out that McCain won is giving me knots in my stomach. It would be an absolute heart-breaker. If he wins, then dies, then we are all screwed with that crazy Palin bitch coming into power, she doesn't know shit. I swear to God if he wins, I'm moving to fucking Canada, or I'll just curl up into a ball and cry hystaricly, either one will do. But if Barack wins, then we will truly be living in a part of history, with the first African American president ever.

If you have the capability to vote and have registered, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE vote for Barack Obama tomorrow, I can't stress it enough. And don't complain about the outcome if you didn't vote, that's your own problem.

I hope this works out.