Monday, December 21, 2009

An update.

Life is interesting at this point I suppose.

-It's Winter Break, X-mas in 4 days, woo!
-Complications with certain things that will not be pointed out here.
-Birthday in a week.
-Finals/Seeing AFI in Reno in 3 weeks.
-Junior year is killing me.

I suppose that's it for now.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Aquest to your request

Reading In Cold Blood right now, even though I don't have to read it for my AP American Lit. class. It's a rather haunting book. I read a good chunk of it last night, and when I put in my bookmark for the night (which happens to be a test strip from Photo that I had made in Photo I nearly two years ago) I couldn't help but worry that one of the two killers, Perry or Dick, would jump out of a corner and shoot me in the head like they did to the Clutter family. Kind of had a hard time going to sleep because of that as well.

Wrote a note to mom last night regarding my requests that she has yet to discuss with dad, but she said she go it, hopefully she'll discuss those things with him soon.

I also got a job application from Hot Topic yesterday, I'm still in the process of filling it out. I don't think I'll get the job but it never hurts to fill out the application.

I should probably get to reading, I'd like to finish it by the end of the day.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Dream Blog #1

I've decided to start posting my dreams on here, so that I can look back at them later, and hopefully won't forget an epic dream of any sort.

I had this dream about, a week ago I think? Something like that...

So I was at a family friend's house, the Zeiter residence to be exact. Jim had been involved with the Las Vegas Art Museum for a while, and he was holding a gallery at his house. For some reason some of my photography pieces were in it. I was looking around, trying to hide away from everyone like I do at all the Zeiter family functions when in walks Davey Havok. I don't know why he was there, but he was looking at all the artwork . He would stop and look at a piece for a while, talk to someone nearby about it, etc. I'm pretty sure everyone knew who he was, because people would go up and talk to him as if he were just their friend or something. The entire time I'm busy cowering behind a corner, shaking like a leaf because, well he's here. Then Davey walks up to a solitary picture just hanging there on a lone segment of wall. The gallery was designed in such a way that certain parts of walls were cut apart, to bring more attention to a piece, while less to another. So anyway, Mr. Havok walks up to this piece and studies it for about 10 minutes, as I watch him I also look at the artwork, he is looking at one of my photographs. After he is done studying it, Davey looks around the room and sees me, and tells me to come closer. I get about three feet away from him when he gets every one's attention and says this. "Everyone, I feel that Karlye's work is fantastic. Her pictures invoke a deep meaning to me, and I see deeper meanings in them." (Or something like that, I don't remember) Davey then starts to walk out of the room to go to the living room to join the main party. Right before he exits, I say "Oh awesome! Kind of like your music does for me!" He looks at me and says "Yeah!" and starts laughing, then everyone begins laughing, including myself. After this he heads to the main part of the house, the living room and the adjoining kitchen. I follow, but I don't go up and talk to him. He grabs a drink, sits on the couch and begins talking with various people about stuff. I'm not sure what I was doing, but at one point I was in the living room with him, saying nothing, then I followed Michelle, who was carrying Addison, into her kitchen to help with Addie. Then when I walked back into the living room Davey was sitting on his own, watching the TV. I went over and sat down next to him on his left, we began talking. Then some lady was at the grill across the room and asked Davey if he wanted sour cream and cheese on his soft taco. It had carnitas on it. I thought that perhaps she was crushing on him big time, and was trying to get his attention by giving him food. He politely declined, claimed that he was vegan, and thanked her for the offer. She looked very disappointed. (Even in my dream I was laughing, how could you not know the guy is vegan?) Then I must have moved to the floor or something because I was sitting by Davey's feet. Then he leaned over near me and began rubbing one of my shoulders, then moved on to my back. Total WTF moment. I must have been skinny in my dream or something, because Davey began rubbing up and down the left side of my ribcage, and it felt like his fingers were sliding down a piano or something, I must have been hella bony. I was leaning on his leg too, it was relaxing. Then the damn dream ended. I was disappointed.

Also may I add, Mr. Havok was looking very dapper, his hair was like it is now, that fo-hawk/Moz hair look and was dressed in a lovely suit, like he would typically wear for a Blaqk Audio show.