Monday, December 21, 2009

An update.

Life is interesting at this point I suppose.

-It's Winter Break, X-mas in 4 days, woo!
-Complications with certain things that will not be pointed out here.
-Birthday in a week.
-Finals/Seeing AFI in Reno in 3 weeks.
-Junior year is killing me.

I suppose that's it for now.

1 comment:

Shy Girls Win said...

YOU ARE SO LUCKY AAA! AFI is the best band the world has ever had and will always have the best music in the Alternative/Rock genre. I wish I could go, but I live in the very small state of Rhode Island and is sad because I'd have to drive to NY of Boston... waaah....

Have you tried to email Jade? I did and he replied and I told it to go to my email but it never did )-: WAAH. I'm going to try again. His blog is in case you didn't know, and you can email him from there.