Wednesday, April 16, 2008

That darn Q, but not really.

Yesterday I found out from a friend that one of my best friends is smoking. It really scared me, I hope that she will realise that smoking won't help her in any way, it'll only make things worse. Then one of my other friends's father has a severe drinking problem, I'm afraid for her and her family. Hearing all of this about my friends' families and themselves makes me feel like a dork for appearing to have nothing wrong in my family or myself. But that's not true. I have severe social problems, I'm not the most talkative person in the world and when I do talk I can't always keep a good conversation going. I hope to fix that before I leave high school.

7 weeks untill the school year is ddddone, the wait is killing me, the amount of work that has been put on is somewhat overwhelming. I can't wait until Junior year where everything is like that on a daily basis.

I had an odd dream last night. I dreamt that I was with my friends in this weird place that kind of had the layout of my school, but not really. I had a photography assignment and I was taking a bunch of pictures of stuff. Then it became really dark outside and everyone disappeared because an ambulance had run over someone. Then I went into this garage that looked like my own, and there were these cool statue-carousel looking animals, bears, horses, elephants, dogs, etc. everywhere. And there was this statue of a golden elephant, it was so cool. Then I went out of that garage and went into what was supposed to be "my house" but it didn't look anything like my own home. I wanted to get my camera to take pictures of those carousel animals. There was a big clock in the house and then the Jonas Brothers (this really scared me) came out of nowhere and said they were doing a concert right there in my house. I was like "Oh shit..." because who wants to go to a Jonas Brothers concert? Honestly.... Then I woke up.

Yesterday I asked Hunter (yes, Burgan) if he was drinking purple dye because he said that his mood was purple on myspace, I hope he found that amusing.

1 comment:

Shy Girls Win said...

My parents won't let me have a MySpace or a Twitter. My dad might let me get a FaceBook though...