Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Jade posted that video again, I had already seen it when he first put it up on Monday, but then it was taken down for some reason. But I was the first one to ever see it, so YAY! :D

Now that we're getting a puppy I'll have to be home all the time during the summer, so now I have to go talk to my counsler to see if I can switch from normal summer school to online school, that would work out better for everyone. We picked out the puppy we're going to get yesterday, his name shall be Bogart, and this is him...

Monday, April 28, 2008



That was fucking amazing, I bet I was the only one to see that video so far. It gave me the chillssssssssss, I'm still shaking.

On another note, we're getting another dog soon. Yay! It's gonna be a little sheltie boy, his name shall be Bogart.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Babysitting a quiet kid and reading To Kill a Mockingbird brings much boredom.

I have a severe headache that's making my brain throb, maybe it's the bandana tied around my head causing the pain. I doubt it. It's keeping me from doing my work, which involves reading various chapters from To Kill a Mockingbird and doing various assignments for this book. Like I should be answering questions for chapter 14 right now, but I'm not. I found out yesterday that one of my best friends is not going to my school next year. It's not because she's moving, it's because her mother wants her to be miserable and not with her friends. I don't know exactly all of what's going on but I think that her and her mother are having a serious fight going on. She says that she's getting punished so severely because she called her mother a bitch. There's obviously more but she hasn't told me. Her punishment includes her cell phone being taken away, no Myspace, no internet at all, going to a different school next year, and the worst, she can't hang out with anyone afterschool or on the weekends until she graduates high school. That is nothing but bullshit to me. It's ridiculous that someone would do that to their child. I don't want her to leave.

In positive news, I have an art show that some of my photography is going to be featured in. I'm glad I'm going to be recognised for my hard work.

I had another odd series of dreams last night, which I appear to have a lot lately. In the "major" part of the dream I dreamt that I was at this festival concert and I had gotten these passes where I was on the floor above the stage looking at the performers bellow through a large hole. Then the announcer annouced that AFI was going to come on. Then I thought in my dream, "Fuck this, I'm going down into the crowd." So some how I got down through the hole without hurting myself and found a seat right up in front of the crowd (It was a seated venue, and oddly enough everyone was in their seats). Then AFI came on, and I woke up. In another part of the dream before the AFI performance I was at a Build-a-Bear store with some family friends and I was having a hard time deciding what I wanted to get, i think I ended up getting a zebra, even though they don't have a zebra at the actual store... Though they should, I would buy it.

Jeebus, this was more like a novel than a blog entry.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

That darn Q, but not really.

Yesterday I found out from a friend that one of my best friends is smoking. It really scared me, I hope that she will realise that smoking won't help her in any way, it'll only make things worse. Then one of my other friends's father has a severe drinking problem, I'm afraid for her and her family. Hearing all of this about my friends' families and themselves makes me feel like a dork for appearing to have nothing wrong in my family or myself. But that's not true. I have severe social problems, I'm not the most talkative person in the world and when I do talk I can't always keep a good conversation going. I hope to fix that before I leave high school.

7 weeks untill the school year is ddddone, the wait is killing me, the amount of work that has been put on is somewhat overwhelming. I can't wait until Junior year where everything is like that on a daily basis.

I had an odd dream last night. I dreamt that I was with my friends in this weird place that kind of had the layout of my school, but not really. I had a photography assignment and I was taking a bunch of pictures of stuff. Then it became really dark outside and everyone disappeared because an ambulance had run over someone. Then I went into this garage that looked like my own, and there were these cool statue-carousel looking animals, bears, horses, elephants, dogs, etc. everywhere. And there was this statue of a golden elephant, it was so cool. Then I went out of that garage and went into what was supposed to be "my house" but it didn't look anything like my own home. I wanted to get my camera to take pictures of those carousel animals. There was a big clock in the house and then the Jonas Brothers (this really scared me) came out of nowhere and said they were doing a concert right there in my house. I was like "Oh shit..." because who wants to go to a Jonas Brothers concert? Honestly.... Then I woke up.

Yesterday I asked Hunter (yes, Burgan) if he was drinking purple dye because he said that his mood was purple on myspace, I hope he found that amusing.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Holy Fuke me.

Title is from third Austin Powers movie, look it up.

I feel so sick and tired this morning, for no reason too. Yesterday (no school for freshmen, yay!) I felt fine, but now I just feel horrible. I'm still sore from My Chemical Romance concert on Sunday (front row center barricade), I'm STILL sick with this god damn cold, whatever it is, and the intigestion from dinner last night isn't helping much either.

I want to stay home but than again I don't want to, ugh, I don't know what to do. I can barely spell these words right.