Wednesday, August 13, 2008


A difficult decision was made last week. I had to either choose going to the Panic at the Disco show in October, or ever getting a shirt from Davey Havok's clothing line. After much deliberation, I chose to get a shirt. If by some miracle I can obtain $60 in the next month, it will go towards a concert ticket. Being 15 1/2 with no job is difficult, especially since it appears as though I'm wanting more and more stuff. My mother has even said that she's sick of buying so much stuff for me, and that I need to start paying for it myself. Hopefully my dad can talk to that guy Steven about a possible job for me at the Southpoint working at the horse arena. Even if I do some how obtain that much money in a couple months, what about spending money for when I go to Disneyland for a friend's birthday in September? This is proving to be very difficult.

I've also come to realise that I am a true teenager. My mom wanted me to go to bed last night because she was tired, and it was about 11:00ish. I was like, no Mom, I can put myself to bed now. Then she started complaining about how she's always tired because she gets up with Bogart in the morning. Well Mom, why do I have to go to bed as well for your sake? Then she starts talking about how I've had ALL DAY to be on the computer. That's not true, I worked out like I normally do, got on here for a little while, then proceeded to go do something else. Then went on a 2+ mile walk with Dad and Austin. I also pointed out that when I get my licence I won't be hanging out at home most of the day, instead I'll be doing stuff with my pals. Then she proceeds to tell me that when I do I will have a curfew and still be responsible for what I do at home. Then she's like "Well I'd let you be on the computer right now if you weren't on all day, you don't even do what I ask. You don't even make your bed in the morning." That just shut me up on the spot right there. Well jee wiz Mom, you didn't establish that habit in my brain, cause don't you know? Healthy habits start at an early age! WOPTIE DOO. Needless to say we were both very pissed at each other. And there was still some tension between us this morning when we got up. Basically I'm saying that I argue like a normal teenager would, so I'm not that abnormal.

Happy 45th Birthday Mom!

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