Sunday, June 22, 2008

There is a puppy sleeping on my arm.

Thus I can only type with one hand for now. As we speak my father is trying to put up these little artistic boxes to go up on my wall. We put up one of my AFI posters above my window that looks really nice, not many people have it so it looks really cool. My mother is watching me type this right now. Meh, I want to go see Ashes Divide on Friday, I really hope that works out some how. I'm in the process of writing Mr. Puget a nice letter, and sending a portrait of himself to him. I just hope he'll reply back.

I failed the first two lessons on my Tennis summer school course, so I dropped that and I'm going to be doing the one at the actual school instead. It'll be much more fun since I'll see Brittany and everyone.

I have a paper cut on my left index finger and it hurts like a bitch.

1 comment:

Shy Girls Win said...

Do you have Jade's email address because I'd really want it. And do you have his cellphone number?

Please email me back-

Hey (hey!) Miss Murder can I?
Hey (hey!) Miss Murder can I?
Make (Hey!) beauty stay if I
Take my life oh!

'Jade Jewel' 'Shy Girls Win'